






·         2013年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所,获博士学位;

·         2017年至今东华理工大学讲师。


1)    土壤体系碳氮耦合循环;2) 氮沉降对全球气候变化的影响。


  1. Yansheng      Cao, Fengliang Zhao, Zhongyi Zhang, Tongbin Zhu, Huayun Xiao, Biotic and      abiotic nitrogen immobilization in soil incorporated with crop residues.      Soil and Tillage Research, 2020, 104664.

  2. Yansheng      Cao, Zhongyi Zhang, Huayun Xiao. How aerosol pH response to nitrate to      sulfate ratio of fine-mode particulate. Environmental Science and      Pollution Research, 2020. Accepted.

  3. Yansheng      Cao, Huifeng Sun, Jining Zhang, Guifa Chen, Haitao Zhu, Sheng Zhou, Huayun      Xiao, Effects of wheat straw addition on dynamics and fate of nitrogen      applied to paddy soils.pdf, Soil &Tillage Research, 2018, 178: 92-98.

  4. Yansheng      Cao, Huifeng Sun, Yaqin Liu, Zishi Fu, Guifa Chen, Guoyan Zou, Sheng      Zhou,Reducing N losses through surface runoff from rice-wheat rotation by      improving fertilizer management.pdf, Environmental Science & Pollution      Research, 2017, 24: 4841-4850.

  5. Yansheng      Cao, Bin Yin, Effects of integrated high-efficiency practice versus      conventional on rice yield and N fate.pdf, Agriculture Ecosystems &      Environment, 2015, 202: 1-7.

  6. Yansheng      Cao, Yuhua Tian, Bin Yin, Zhaoliang Zhu,Improving agronomic practices to      reduce nitrate leaching from the rice–wheat rotation system.pdf,      Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2014, 195: 61-67.

  7. Yansheng      Cao, Yuhua Tian, Bin Yin, Zhaoliang Zhu, Assessment of ammonia      volatilization from paddy fields under crop management practices aimed to      increase grain yield and N efficiency.pdf, Field Crops Research, 2013,      147: 23-31.


1.    国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,2019-2022